Today, we had a mass since it is Ash Wednesday. In the morning, all the students and teachers that are Catholic go to the gym where the mass is being held, and for the non-Catholics, they proceed to the room of Grade 9, Section Affection. Before the start of the mass, I told the students to bring their offerings to the gym, as Ma'am Parcon told me yesterday. Since she's not around, I will be their adviser from today until Friday. During the mass, Maam Parcon sent me a message saying that there was an important document on her table for one of the students named Villaver. It was the school form 10 that was needed by the player since Villaver is a volleyball player at the school. And I told the president of the class, Mr. Rendon, to tell Mr. Villaver to see me in the room. 

And after the mass, students still have time to recess since the start of the first period is exactly 10. Today, they only have 40 minutes per class. The same as yesterday, I entered the four sections of Grade 7 and one for Grade 9, which is Felicity. In each section, they answered the pre-test that I presented through the use of PowerPoint presentations, connected to the television, and also got their scores. And for the remaining time, I go to the Sci-Math garden with the students who were assigned to clean it since Ma'am Parcon messaged me that tomorrow is the evaluation of the gardens. After cleaning, I stayed in the advisory room of Ma'am Parcon and did some stuff. After the last period, I reminded the students to clean their assigned areas, and Ms. Lama would be the one to check if they were done cleaning. Before I logged out, I checked the room, hallway, and closet to see if they were clean, and then locked the room. 
