I arrived before 7 o'clock today and proceeded to the reading room, waiting for the first period at 7:30 am at 7-Amity, but Maam Parcon said to me that from 7:30 am to 10 am is the cleaning time, and the first period of the morning starts at 10 am and ends at 10:40 am, so they had a shorter time; instead of 1 hour, they only have 40 minutes as the duration of class. 
In cleaning time, I helped Maam Parcon guide the students to their designated areas where they were assigned to clean. She assigned me to her classroom because she was going to the garden with the other students to clean. So I helped the students who were assigned in the classroom. After the cleaning time, I go to the 7-Amity to enter the first period; in the second period, I go to the next classroom, which is the 7-Beauty; and for the last period this morning, I go to the 7-Charity. 
In the afternoon, we gathered in the reading room, where all the interns stayed. 
In the first period in the afternoon, I entered at 7-Delight, and for the second period, the class of this day is in G9-Felicity, where their adviser is Ma'am Parcon, so she introduced me first to them and also told them that since tomorrow until Friday she is not, I will be their adviser and also their math teacher. After that, Ma'am Parcon gave the floor to me, and I started to introduce myself. And after that, I started the class with an oral recitation through flashing the cards related to the integers. So after calling their names individually, I observed that, as with the Grade 7 students, many of them were still confused and did not know how to solve the integers. After that class, I waited and did some kind stuff in the reading room since that was my last class for the day. 
